Sunday, April 6, 2014


Somehow your princess grows into a woman and all you did was blink. Like Chesney's song it's important not to blink too much!  We had a fun day. Started Friday night with mani/pedi and dinner 

Saturday morning rolled around and my girl was nervous. We had found the perfect dress. After numerous store visits and 100's of dresses it was hanging in her closet waiting for this day. Luckily our cousin Ashley came in and fixed her hair and make up, and dad made sure they had dinner reservations! (Like 6 proms in town this weekend!). 

Of to Baylor for pictures with her prom group. 

And what a great looking fun crew!!  

Then off to Ninfas for dinner 

And then spend the night dancing away! I have a beautiful girl inside and out. What a great prom weekend. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend getaways

As the kids grow life is busy and many times we are all going different directions. Sometimes, taking the weekend to just getaway brings the best memories:

Raine laughing and having a good time, relaxed and not too moody 

Canyon jumping in the pool the realized it's way to cold and into hot tub. 

Skye is still on his kick that he is a man

Stormie wanting to stop at very shopping venue and now judging colleges based on proximity to good shopping. 

Car rides themselves are memories: Raine sleeps covered up (could this be because he is afraid of my pictures?) 

Funniest story - Stormie thinking it was .59 sandwiches at Chik-fil-a and begging me to take her, we did, the sandwich was not on sale.
Stormie always wants cute pics, Skye is trying to run away! 

He enjoys the hugs even though he will deny it 

Gang signs thrown by Stormie who has no idea..... (Where is the common sense?) 
The boys adore their big brother  and sister. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I have never been great at blogging or journaling.  I tend to live by the seat of my pants and enjoy the moment.  I am learning though that life needs balance.  Living in the moment is fabulous, but I am going to want memories to reach back on in case my brain decides to forget them :o! So today is a rebirth, I will begin to attempt to blog/journal life as I live it.

Monday, April 25, 2011


What a wonderful holiday! It may well be my favorite over Christmas, solely for the reason.  I mean, think about it, this day celebrates the fact that Jesus came, died on the cross and then ROSE again!!  What a reason for a celebration!!  We do the whole Easter bunny followed by hunting of eggs, but try to make real clear the reason for the celebration of this day.

So took the kids to take pictures, since they are all so cute in their matching outfits (something that is getting harder and harder to accomplish) and of course it only took 100 pictures to get one decent picture - and thankfully some wonderful man took a picture of all of us so I could have one!  People are always nice when you least expect it!
 Decided the only way to get the older two to actually hunt eggs (especially the princess) was to hide money in the eggs - thanks to Mima and Papa for supplying most of it!!  Stormie somehow ended up with more than half! and Raine only picked up eggs that had money - he would shake and drop if it was candy LOL
 These two boys remind me of my baby brothers, close and trouble all in the same word.  They keep me on my toes!  Anyhow, life is good, holidays are always nice to get together with family and just hang out.  Wish that all of my brothers could have been here but they couldn't :( 


Last month was cheerleader tryouts and in our household it was also a week of high anxiety. As always, there is a story behind the story.....  in 7th grade I asked my only daughter to do Pep Squad so she could be eligible to cheer in 8th grade.  She informed me that she never wanted to cheer - ugggh, she was an athlete!  I said just once for me, you're my only girl I need at least one picture in a cheer uniform then you never have to do it again.  Fast forward, mid-8th grade post football season, and I had a cheerleader on my hand, She LOVED it! I must say, I think it was the attention of it all.  She was a flier so therefore front and center....We start practicing in anticipation of high school cheer.  I never realized Stormie was the nervous sort until the week of tryouts! I kept telling her, you will do great, but remember it's life and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.  Well, we made it! and Stormie was grinning from ear to ear!  I'm happy although not happy about the cheerleading bill LOL

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School!

Well somehow another year has begun and back to the grind the kids must go.  Stormie is in 8th grade and Raine is in 6th.  There is always the last minute rush to get everything ready and then the first day jitters (although more Raine than Stormie).  Stormie stopped letting me walk her to school in 2nd grade, when she was in Kindergarten she begged me to just drop her off at the gate and let her walk....ummmmm no I don't think so.  Raine on the otherhand would let me walk him in now if I asked although he is beginning to become his own person and not want mom so much :( 

Anyhow, I must say they are good looking kids and smart to boot and I'm sure this year will bring another whole set of memories to our lives :)!!
Posing for the pictures they never want to take

          Stormie trying to get in a hug, Raine is not wanting it and Skye feels like he must save Raine!

And of course we can't leave out the baby :)

A quote that I like: "Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you're waiting for don't pass you by.” unknown

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So yesterday I had to take Skye to the dentist for a cavity.  This brought fresh memories to my mind of taking Raine to the dentist 8 yrs ago for the same procedure.  The outcome was two totally different scenarios from two of my most similar children.  First off they give you medicine to drink to make you relaxed - a wonderful concoction of Demerol, Phenergan and Versed.  Let me tell you, there are days I would like that concoction to put me to sleep and out of my misery LOL.  Anyhow, Skye takes on drink and says "Yuck" I say, "You have to drink it - do you want me to put it in a syringe?" of course this works and he drinks it up even with the awful faces he is making.  Raine on the other hand, takes a sip says "ewww" I say "You have to drink it - do you want me to put it in a syringe?" nope, he'll just drink it, 2 gulps later and then SPEW all back out and over me while he spits it out!  Alas, since he didn't get his medicine he didn't relax and we ended up taking him to surgery a few weeks later to fix his cavities - which cost me a fortune! Skye, well, he relaxed, played games, laid down and watched tv and when it was time for the dentist he fell fast asleep!  Wonderful! A nice reversal from 8 years ago.  God was smiling down on me and said, Hey, I hear you asking for an easier day and look what you got. I am blessed.