Friday, October 23, 2009

Update on the kids

Stormie is on the verge of teenage years, will be 13 in a mere 15 days?? She is busy finishing up volleyball and cross country and beginning basketball. Picked her up last night from pep squad (which I as a mean mom forced her to do)and she is freezing from the cold. Amazingly pep squad isn't so horrible and possibly she might enjoy trying out and being a cheerleader next year (as I squeal inside) Is it wrong that I want to have a picture of my only daughter in a cheerleading uniform? I don't get to spend a lot of time with her this year because her schedule is insanely busy. Sunday is church and girl scouts, weekdays 6:00 cross country practice, 6:30 volleyball practice and then school. Monday night volleyball games, Wednesday night youth, Thursday night pep squad, Friday night home football games, and then Saturday cross country. We gave up dance this year after 8 years, bittersweet to me. She made company and was so excited but as school began she realized that she just didn't have time. Anyhow, the rides to and from Crawford, I turn off the radio and just talk - funny how I can get so much and so little out of her at the same time. My husband says, she tells you way more than she tells me, and I remind him that I just ask and ask and ask until I get it all out.
Raine has been enjoying 5th grade and making new friends at his new school. He is my shy child but he is coming out of his shell. Stormie likes to say he's a nerd. I just say he reminds me of Caleb. He has been working hard on his school work and is busy working on UIL events. He is playing flag football right now and moved to quarterback last week. This was a giant step as he was a mess of nerves, but I remind him (as I am constantly reminding the rest of the kids) most times in life we fail more than we succeed but the drive to succeed will make you great! You can never quit and in your failures you will learn how to succeed. So after the first game he comes running home, mom I can do this, it isn't so bad and next week I'll be better! Hooray!
Skye is a genius, I tell Jeremy I don't remember the other kids being so smart and he grasp everything we say and he loves being a helper. He has enjoyed his music class this year and his play dates with friends. He is so funny and such a great helper. He loves to do chores around the house and play with Canyon. Right now we are concentrating on wish list for Christmas and oh what fun he is having picking everything he sees - somehow I am not sure how he is going to narrow it down. Every night as we say our prayers he is such a blessing. He prays for everyone in the house and totally believes that Jesus will watch over him and keep him safe. How is it that as you age your innocence is lost and you forget to believe at times - instead you try to "take the bull by the horns" and force it your way.... Ah, I'm thankful for Skye.
Canyon is of course Mommy's baby and I can't stand to have him cry. They said as you had more kids you would be less responsive and able to handle the crying and such, but alas, not here. Every little whimper I am running and he has me wrapped around his finger. He is my one child that has been "normal" running and climbing and rambunctious, into everything. Right now, I am just enjoying my moments because as I've seen with Stormie, life passes by quickly!

October 22

So I started this blog almost a year ago and someone have not had the time nor inclination to post a single thing. Yet, today I decide hey, let's jump on this train and explore my crazy life. Last night while we are somehow yet again frantically trying to squeeze dinner in amist all of our other activiies, I decide I need to breathe and become more organized. I tend to live in the moment and am not much of a planner and yet with 4 children I find that this may not be so wise all the time. So here I am attempting to yet again make a resolution to become neater, more time managed, more patient and definitely have more wisdom. I

Thursday, February 12, 2009
