Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School!

Well somehow another year has begun and back to the grind the kids must go.  Stormie is in 8th grade and Raine is in 6th.  There is always the last minute rush to get everything ready and then the first day jitters (although more Raine than Stormie).  Stormie stopped letting me walk her to school in 2nd grade, when she was in Kindergarten she begged me to just drop her off at the gate and let her walk....ummmmm no I don't think so.  Raine on the otherhand would let me walk him in now if I asked although he is beginning to become his own person and not want mom so much :( 

Anyhow, I must say they are good looking kids and smart to boot and I'm sure this year will bring another whole set of memories to our lives :)!!
Posing for the pictures they never want to take

          Stormie trying to get in a hug, Raine is not wanting it and Skye feels like he must save Raine!

And of course we can't leave out the baby :)

A quote that I like: "Kiss your life. Accept it, just as it is. Today. Now. So that those moments of happiness you're waiting for don't pass you by.” unknown

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So yesterday I had to take Skye to the dentist for a cavity.  This brought fresh memories to my mind of taking Raine to the dentist 8 yrs ago for the same procedure.  The outcome was two totally different scenarios from two of my most similar children.  First off they give you medicine to drink to make you relaxed - a wonderful concoction of Demerol, Phenergan and Versed.  Let me tell you, there are days I would like that concoction to put me to sleep and out of my misery LOL.  Anyhow, Skye takes on drink and says "Yuck" I say, "You have to drink it - do you want me to put it in a syringe?" of course this works and he drinks it up even with the awful faces he is making.  Raine on the other hand, takes a sip says "ewww" I say "You have to drink it - do you want me to put it in a syringe?" nope, he'll just drink it, 2 gulps later and then SPEW all back out and over me while he spits it out!  Alas, since he didn't get his medicine he didn't relax and we ended up taking him to surgery a few weeks later to fix his cavities - which cost me a fortune! Skye, well, he relaxed, played games, laid down and watched tv and when it was time for the dentist he fell fast asleep!  Wonderful! A nice reversal from 8 years ago.  God was smiling down on me and said, Hey, I hear you asking for an easier day and look what you got. I am blessed.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year

Can't believe we are in 2010 a whole decade has passed of 2000!  Life is busy, and I am constantly attempting to try to grab hold of my life and slow it down.  Enjoy, breathe, live.  This is my goal for this year.  Savor the small stuff.  Stormie hops in the car today and ask me what my New Year's resolutions were, I said, hmmm, didn't really make any because they are too easily broken.  Instead, I strive to continue the path I chose years ago, to be a better mom, wife and person, to not anger easily and to be a better person.  My dearest says to me - but you are a good mom :) Awww - savoring the small stuff